Wow, time really flies... yesterday 27th November, marked our 10th years together as a couple. To b frank, I never expected us to go so far. It's not easy to be together, n of course as long as both give in effort in maintaining, to b loyal to each other, nothing is impossible. We had dinner together yest after work, n ate teppanyaki. It has been years ever since hubby ate teppanyaki. In e morn, he sent me a sms wishing us 10 years anniversary. And when we met up at JP in e evening, he bought a blue rose for me. Though it was a simple dinner with no luxurious gift or exaggerating celebration, but I was equally contented bcoz as long as we r eating together, other stuff are just superficial n secondary. In these 10 years, we had ups n downs of course. No smooth path for us. I am not giving up, n hope he doesn't too. Everything doesn't come easy for us. Though there r times that I got v angry n disappointed in him, but I believe in a marriage, we must try our best to maintain it, to keep it, n not to say separate. How many more years of anniversary can we count together? I dunno but I do look forward to counting it every year when it comes. Til e day we part during death I hope. He may not be e high earning man, he may not be a really smart clever man, he may not be a romantic man, but neither am I a clever woman, neither am I a good tempered person. Tats y we need e other half to complete e parts that we r lacking of. Though I am 'stronger', but there r times I need him to console n comfort me. I ask for nothing a lot. I ask for nothing great. I just want a complete family. Tats all. Happy 10 years anniversary dear hubby.
Oh well, this is going to be a short post. Haha...
2013 has not ended yet, n wats just passed was Jaden's 5th birthday, n next coming up to be looking forward to should be our anniversary in a few days time.. But we had not been celebrating that ever since we got married.. Hmmmm...
Next, shld b Xmas! But still, we have no plans to celebrate too, unless my sis organises. But normally we dun celebrate Xmas lah. Only celebrated this when we were still not married, we would travel overseas, but ever since has kids, we dun go overseas for xmas anymore...
I have no specific plans for 2014 yet, especially my work. Still dilly dally here n there, haha! But something to b looking forward to will be..............
My birthday!
Yipppppeeee.... though there r still many events to look forward to b4 my birthday, but my birthday event has been planned for! All I hope is, we would fulfil e event n go when my birthday comes! Wah, think liao oso feel so happy. Hahahahaha.... Shall not say so much abt this 1st until everything is fixed. =)
Yes, today is Jaden's 5th birthday! N the celebration was held at our humble house, with steamboat for dinner, all ingredients prepared by me!
I bought a Tom & Jerry cake, a regular size one. We always cannot finish e cake anyway. Haha...
We had a great n full dinner, n of course with quite a number of food left...
My PILs, my parents, my siblings n SIL were around to share e joy. My dad worked late so he could only reach ard 8+...
Somehow in e beginning, Jaden was in a good mood... But towards e cake cutting part, he started to fuss n refused to take photo together. So sad.
We made him help to bring cake to every1, n he needs more practise. Haha!!! Javier was v tired, bcoz he had a long day in e cc, knocked out at 9.30pm. Jaden somehow still energetic.
Jaden's health has always been our concern, coz he is not really that fit, n mainly bcoz he is a fussy eater. All I pray is, Jaden can always b healthy, n hope he can b more independent in taking care of himself.
Happy 5th birthday my dear prince Jaden. U must koe that all of us love u dearly, treating u as a jewel, a jem. Pls stay cheerful always! Love u!
we bought e buffet voucher online last week n made a dinner apptment today for our regular meetup!
This time round, Ting brought her daughter along as she wanted to tag along. We always find time n chance to meet up for a meal. Next time shall b steamboat!
We can always update one another n talk anything under e sun. It's just so fun to meet up n talk, n chat! that's e most impt thing for our meetup.
Our next meetup will b next mth... night's out time for us to let our hair down to forget we r our men's wives! Haha.. But they r asking me out for swimming session leh. I dun like to b tan, so daytime go swim is impossible lah. It'll b very hard for me to get fairer as I am tan by nature.
Although we dun work together in e same workplace again, n no chance to eat together in e staff lounge, but we always try to meet up. Even if we dun meet, we have our own watsapp chat grp, sometimes we chat in there too.
They r 1 of e bunch of gd friends that I had made in PHPPS. Though it is a pity we cannot b colleagues again, but who koes in e future we may have e chance! Of course not saying I will go back to MOE lah. I hope I dun step into it again.
I like being with this grp of friends, n luckily we always have e chance to meet. the other grps tat I have, number of ppl abit too big, v hard to organise. But I will try to arrange 1 during e holidays. Haha. Friends r impt in our life, n most imptly is, making e right grp of frds.
Jaden's 5th birthday is coming! This Thursday will be his birthday!
There will b a mini celebration at my house this thurs evening. STEAMBOAT!
This time round, only my maiden family members n my PILs will b celebrating his bday for him. As well as 2 families having dinner together after my bro got married last wkend.
I started buying food from this morn... Thursday itself morn then I will buy e necessary meats n prawns.
Cake wise, I have yet to order. If cannot order in time then will just buy a simple small 1 will do, as Jaden doesn't eat cake at all. We can split to every1 n eat.
This little boy is getting naughtier day by day, sometimes just drive us up to e wall. He is scared of cane. Phew, but that's not e long term punishment method. Dunno wat to do with him at times.
He can b v close with Javier, but sometimes they do fight too. Push each other, didi will even scratch him. Either both fight or both cry together. V irritating. But, he will also saying didi n even hug him, though didi doesn't like it at all. Haha.
When can he b more sensible n independent? We r all waiting. But nonetheless, nothing is still more impt than his happiness, his health. We all love him as he is. N i'm sure he koes that every1 in e family loves him so much that he must learn to take care of himself when he is older. Hope this Thursday we are all going to have a great time eating n chatting. Looking forward to Thurs!
this is e day tat every1 was looking towards to... esp my parents... Today is my brother's big day! my brother has grown up n now, he has become e husband to his wife, son-in-law to Yinghui's parents.
I was very moved on this special day.. I was equally excited! Reached my parents' hse at 7am... everything went on smoothly n in fact during e morn session, they came back earlier than expected. MUA tat I engaged to help us do makeup n hairdo for me, sis n mum, was good. I was satisfied with e makeup n hairdo that she did for me. Jav was not having enuf nap time, thus fussing. Jaden on off oso fuss. It was a busy day for hubby n I as we need to take turn to handle both of them. But nonetheless, we still managed to stay til e event ended. Jav was so tired that he actually KO-ed b4 7pm. Hope he sleep well tonight. Wedding lunch indeed was abit rush for some of us. n bcoz it interrupted e nap time of e kids, so it's inevitable that they will fuss n make noise. It was really a happy event that everything went on smoothly w/o much hiccups. The brother n sister gang was also helpful to handle e event, esp e brothers! kudos! They will be spending e night at e bridal suite today. N I hope my bro n Yinghui can always b loving n caring towards each other. Marriage is for life. Nothing can make a couple split, n I hope they always bear their wedding vows in mind that they will be around for each other no matter wat happens. Every of our family relatives were happy to attend e event. Almost all actually dressed up formally. It was such a joyous occasion for our family. After all, e last event in my family was my wedding. So, now is my bro's turn, my parents r more than happy. N Peter actually came all e way from Ireland just to attend my bro's wedding. Everything is just so happy! It's a long day for every1. I'm overjoyed. Hope I can hear bb news from them soon! Happy blissful marriage my dear brother.
Welcome November! The month tat I had been looking forward to.. no particular reason.. just wish e new mth can come soon tats all..
It's been a tiring week for me, n hubby too. Bcoz MIL was hospitalised since Wed evening.
She complained of gastric pain in e morn ard 10+.... It was during bfast time, after we sent Jav to cc.. After bfast, told her to go see doc, while I handled Jaden... She was given a jab n some med for gastric...
Letting her rest in e room, i acc Jaden. Lunch time I brought Jaden out myself to eat. After a few hrs, it did not help her get lesser pain. The pain persisted til ard 3pm when she really cannot take it, n told me she wana call e clinic to ask if dr can give her another jab to lessen e pain. I called e clinic n asked, after that drove her n Jaden to e clinic.
Doc issued a letter for MIL to go nuh a&e. I called fil, as fil was at nuh since morn for his eye checkup. He was already otw home, then I told him abt MIL going to nuh. But MIL wanted to bathe 1st.. so we went home 1st n also to wait for FIL.
When all r ready, we drove MIL to nuh. While waiting for more tests etc, suddenly e cc called me.. Teacher told me that Jav was having a fever... I quickly took Jaden along, to fetch Jav from cc. What a day.
MIL needed to be admitted as suspected that liver was inflamed. Yest, whole day did not do any test on her, saying this morn will bring her go do x ray n find out more abt her source of pain. Later might b able to find out e reason. As in when can discharge, doc didn't say anything yet. Hopefully can b asap. No 1 wants to stay in e hosp for so long, though insurance covered fully.
Later will go visit her again with Jaden. Will put Jav in cc 1st. Hopefully he can adapt better now. Though he started to eat lunch together with his peers. Hubby went to work today, n left 2 boys with me. Later I shall be a superwoman cum driver. My bugs bunny has woken up at 0815.. but my mickey mouse is still sound asleep since 10pm last night. It's going to be a tiring long week for us. Hope everything is fine.