Today, went to JP with mil & Jaden.. went walk walk, so saw VCD fair.. held by my ex-working place Arts Laser... went to take a look at the cartoons, n see if there is anything i can buy for Jaden..
I saw these VCDs/DVDs... so in the
end, bought 1 poem VCD, 1 story telling VCD, n 1 DVD set of shi wan ge wei shen me... not the same version of the professor one.. i hope to let Jaden watch.. he may not understand wat it is all about, but can still show him to let him listen to the language n the cartoons moving about... can help stimulate his brain bah.. hehe
We dun let him watch TV everyday.. it's like once in a few weeks kind.. coz dun want him to get hooked on watching TV.. so even though i bought quite a number of cartoons, but he only watched once loh.. will let him watch more when he grows slightly older..
sometimes when he was playing in inlaw's room, my fil will tune the TV to cartoon channel n let him watch.. Jaden will watch a while, n then looked away n preferred his toys.... haha.. there was also 1 or 2 times when we let him watch cartoon, he will laugh one loh.. haha, dun even koe if he really understand or not leh...
trust me, even though babies dun understand what u r talking about, or what he is watching.. but listening is very impt... in order to grab a language, he must have enough space n chance to listen n get in contact with it, b4 he can have a better grasp of the language.. tats y i ALWAYS speak to him in Mandarin.. mayb due to my occupation bah ehehhe...
I hope he can get hold of a language at a time... But for sure, he will learn Chinese first as we all talk to him in Chinese....