Friday, April 13, 2007

13th April - Friday, Friday the 13th

Today is Friday! A day which i always look forward to, so that i can take a rest at home n stay away from the pupils in my school.

Today is Friday, and yet an important Friday... What a coincidence is, today's date is 13th, Friday the 13th. People always say if the date 13th lies on a Friday, it's not a good day. How many people actually believes this?

I may believe it 50-50, but definitely not today. Today's the 13th, Friday the 13th, but today is my precious puppy Coko's 5th birthday!!!!! His birthday lies on 13th April.... But this year is different from previous years as i said earlier on, today is Friday.

Just a blink, Coko has been with us for 5 years, he's 5 years old... In 2002, when we first bought him, he's just a small n naive puppy which was only 2 months old... Now, he's an adult dog, though still innocent n naive.... We all love him so much, that he's already part of our family.

Soon, i'll be getting married. I think i won't get to see him so often in the future as i'll still put him with my family members. There's simply no way for us to abandon him... He is just so important to us, important to me....

Here's my wish to my precious son Coko... I pray that Coko will always be so healthy n cute... May he stay away from illness... i wish he can be happy and live on with a life full of love n concern for him. I promise i will always love him and treasure him.. he is not just a pet to me, but a companion, a living thing on earth that God has given to me. He's the best present. Happy birthday Coko!!!

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