Jaden didn't go home this week... all bcoz he was sick for the past few days..
Thur morn, went for breakfast with hubby, mil n Jaden.. he was still v active n cheerful.. after breakfast, i need to run to sch
early.. my Thur's timetable is also quite hectic, so didn't have much time to check my hp until ard 4pm, i saw hubby's sms n a missed call.. When i saw the sms, i was shocked! hubby told me, Jaden was running a fever. i was like, not possible ah, morn see him still ok, but noon suddenly just fever... mil measured his temp, it was 38.4... hubby said mil had fed him some fever medicine...
after work, i went over to in laws' house, to see if my precious is ok.. by the time when i reached home in the evening, he was feeling much ok, can still smile.. but night time ard 10pm, his fever shot up again... we fed him medicine, n told ourselves, if Fri still fever, then will bring him to the doc..
Fri morn, mil said his fever did not go down... we measured again, 38.3.. so there we went, to Gek Poh... by the time it's Jaden's turn, his fever went up to 39.1... doc had no choice but to insert the bullet again.. Jaden was crying out loud, so bitterly.. doc explained to me that it might b urine infection... coz Jaden did not have any flu, cough, or even diarrhea..
Had to observe him, see if can control the fever with medicine.. doc said if cannot b controlled, then gotta go back to him, may need to go for a urine test.. took childcare mc leave that day.. After the insert of the bullet, his temp went down.. he was v v v grouchy... he was v drowsy as he didn't really been conscious after 6pm, kept wanting to sleep, most prob due to the med.. so my mil said dun bring him home as he wanted sleep, n somemore he hasn't recovered, so she want us to leave Jaden with them..
tat day noon, he can still dance n laugh with us.. but who koes night time, the fever suddenly shot up to 39 ag
ain.. we had no choice but to insert the bullet again... i told hubby, if by Sat evening still cannot control the fever, i do not wish to go back to the clinic, i would prefer to go KK straight.. as fever really cannot play play, n neither do I want to b a frantic parent, a little bit oso go hospital.. so luckily by Sat noon, the fever went down.. Of course, Jaden is still feeling grouchy.. these few days he was v noisy... he's recuperating from the fever, medicine stopped eating, but rashes appeared on his face n body.. we suspected to b heat rash..
Today, Jaden as usual v noisy n grumpy.. mil n I fed up that we do not wish to go out.. whenever he sick, we v scared.. coz scared something bad might happen to him, just like the time when he was admitted to the hosp.. my worst time in my life.. so i v scared to step into KK again, really.. i only wish to step in when i'm going to visit my frd/colleague who will b delivering their bb there.. or else, i dun find any reason to step into KK again.. bad memories will flash back to my mind...
Now, he is much ok, n i'm relieved of course.. but i koe he has not fully recovered.. coz he is seldom tat grouchy n noisy.. now he is, bcoz he hasn't fully recovered.. all i can say now is, I hope Jaden can recover fully, n b a cheerful bb again!