After i graduated from CSS, i never been in cross country or going for any marathon, run, walk-a-jog etc... I practically didnt go for any other sports then. When i was in NP, i joined softball for CCA, though i only studied 1 term n after that withdrawn from NP... When i was in NIE, i still played netball a few times, n oso played a few sessions of tennis with my sis. I still keep my tennis racquet! it's at my mum's place by e way.
This year, i started to go back to exercise, be it jogging, swimming, badminton or even to the gym. Thanks to my sis who always motivate and encourage me.
This year, it's going to be a leap for me after stopping my training for more than a decade. We r going for the Jurong Lake Run, which is going to be conducted in June. We signed up for the 6km open. I was really looking forward to it, though dunno if can complete within e time range. But i will give it a try.. No harm.
It's not like b4 when i was much younger, with better stamina n health. In e past, we spent quite a number of days n hours on training, on CCA, on building up stamina etc. Mayb bcoz partly i was really active in my pri-sec sch time, i dun feel that much shiong, though now older le, stamina deterioated... but i find it fun. Esp to Amore.... I enjoy hectic exercise like kickboxing! Skipped e basic class n went straight to e main class. My sis has basic knowledge on kickboxing but not me. But i really enjoyed e lesson n i am going again this coming Mon!
Next week, my sis is travelling back to Dublin for 2wks. I am left with myself for exercise. I wont visit Amore when she is not ard. I will go jog or swim w/o her though. Haha. I cannot say i am good coz it's hard to build up in such a short time n on e fact tat i stopped for SO LONG. But exercise in moderation is good n i feel better ever since i went back to exercise this year. Though did not lose weight or become thinner, but mentally i felt healthier.
1wk b4 e run, we would need to go n collect e pack. N i am so excited about it now. I cannot compete with youngsters, n professional runners, but i jog for myself, for charity. My stamina is still v bad, on e base of my asthma, so i cannot expect too much. I just try my best loh. It's not for competition, so no stress. I treat it as a fun activity to attend, somemore is evening, n at jurong area! Haha.... Hope to see some familiar faces that day. Come join in e run if u r interested!
Oh well, i dun really go after korean dramas.... bcoz some of them r really naggy n long...
Last week when i saw e i-weekly magazine, it recommended a new Korean drama... 急症男女
the comments of this drama was high, so i went online to search, n indeed the drama was up.
I started downloading 1 episode n watch. Well, it attracted me since e 1st episode. It was a 21-episode drama, shorter than expected.
It was talking abt a couple who met up again after divorced 6yrs ago. Married only for 1 yr n went into divorce. Both were doctors in practice in a hosp, in a A&E department.
Almost every now n then have many cases that happened in the A&E, n many scenes i dun dare to watch bcoz of operating on e body. I koe it's not real but it seemed real, n tats y partly why i wana continue watching. It only proves y i cannot go into medical line. I salute all nurses, n doctors! Esp my sis, who worked in ICU.
As wat mentioned in the magazine, it was really a worth to watch drama. If u have e time, pls do watch it n watch with e original korean language, I am sure u will like the drama, just like i do. Confirm there r some episodes tat u watch until u will cry... Remember to catch this drama ya... btw, next week it will start casting in the Korean channel from SCV, Channel M. channel 824... which day i dunno, go check it out!
Oh well, it's just my luck. Ever in my 9 years of driving experience, yesterday kenna caught red-handed by a TP along CCK, while i was on e way to Lot1.
I'm going to b fined, n deduct points. Just my luck. But well, no chance of negotiation, so i dun bother to argue with the TP. All i thought at tat moment was, oh well, u wana record by all means, just quickly register watever u need in your system n tats it, i am in a rush to meet my boss for a short meeting.
Will have to wait 2-4weeks for e letter to come. No chance of just a warning. So wats e point of arguing n trying to negotiate. Hope e fine amount is less than $100 loh, wat else.
Surprisingly, given my character, i would or i shld flare up n affect my whole day, but it didn't. N i didn't turn harsh or angry or grouchy. Hmmmm, i think something is wrong with me liao. Haha.
But watever it is, is my fault for insisting to u-turn there. All i can say is, it's just not my day, n could be my worst day of e year, though it's only Apr now. But i assume there will b nothing as worse as this.... Haha. Somehow it did not affect my mood or wat. In e past, i would be angry for e rest of e day, so i was somehow impressed with myself tat i was still calm.
I will pay more notice n will be more 'obedient' or i should say, Haha. Better luck for me for e rest of e year please....
I hate to have cough actually, partly bcoz it affects my breathing at times.
Last Sat, after attending little Kylie's bday party, i started to feel unwell, until Sun i felt throat real painful n unwell. Mon started to have fever n loss of voice.
Tues no voice, n fever came up again til late noon then subsided. Wat a day.
Wed no more fever, voice came back abit but still v coarse. I went for class as usual, but cough badly throughout the 2hr lesson. Went home after class n it was disaster. Whole nite cannot sleep bcoz of e bad cough. Cough time was longer than my sleeping time.
Even until now, my cough still persisted, v stubborn to leave me. My voice came back but still abit coarse lah. This whole week i didnt sleep much bcoz of e persistent bad cough that made me almost coughed out my lungs. Hubby helped with Jav n MIL helped us with Jaden. But my cough doesnt seem to be improving, when sleeping time comes, it got worse.. Just can cough non stop for hrs til i totally worn out n dozed off. But if i got woken up, no matter isit Javier fussing in e other room or watever reason, if i wake up, thats it. The cough will 'wake up' too n continue to pester me for hrs, til i tired too much n dozed off again.
My life continues even though I'm coughing like nobody's business. This is no joke. Throat n voice r impt to us, especially for our profession. Now is even more diff as i had left MOE, no work no $$. So i have to hang on with e bad stubborn cough to teach. Tmr is my 2hr lesson again, n i can predict it's going to be a coughing non stop session again. WTH...
Pls leave me lah, u had pestered me long enough, n i had enough liao. I want my 'normal' life please. Hope 'you' can be better when i get up tomorrow morning ok?