while driving back,i called pil's house..mil answered the phone.. was asking if they need me to pack any food for them or not.. then mil told me, i may need to bring him go see doc, coz she measured his temperature, Jaden was having a fever, n was coughing too.. oh my..
went back home ard 7.15pm.. mil said she gav
waited from 8.30pm til 10.20pm.. 2 hours+.. wait until wana go crazy.. we were the last one in queue.. finally it's our turn, doc measured Jaden's temperature.. 40 degree.. oh my.. doc asked if any1 in the family, mil was sick mah.. so doc said it's highly possible that mil transmit the virus to Jaden... need to insert the pill into his buttock, n drink med.. got antibiotics, fever med, cough syrup, fever syrup..doc said he needs at least 3 days to recover..
He didn't cry out loud or what, just some whining, as he felt hot all over his body.. felt uncomfortable.. today, his fever not subsided yet as usual.. but at least after seeing doc, he can still smile n play with us.. unlike yest when we were waiting to b consulted, he didn't even want to smile or what.. he felt more tired wanting to rest as he has fever.. my poor boy.. on childcare MC leave today.. but it's for sure that he won't recover tat fast.. i'll see how things go tonight.. if still not so well yet, will take UPA.. coz i only have his MC for today.. hope he can recover soon my son...
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