Thursday, April 26, 2012

2012 May issue Mother&Baby magazine

As i mentioned in my prev post about Fri the 13th, when i tot everything happening that day might not b smooth, n something made me feel happy again, n this was it...

Received a call b4 my lesson ob on 13th Fri, it was from the Mother&Baby magazine.. They told me that they were selecting Javier's picture to appear in their magazine for the coming issue, asked me about Jav's weight n size of pampers that he is wearing.

I was over the moon of course... I told my colleagues, even if that day was v bad, i dun care, coz this phone call had made my day!

Submitted his picture a few weeks ago.. Didn't expect to be selected.. Haha, it was really great!

I waited so impatiently for this month's issue to be out, til yesterday it finally was on the shelf. I quickly went to buy it, n opened the plastic bag to see.. Yah, my 2nd prince was inside the magazine.. I actually had forgotten which picture i sent in.. hahaaha... Showed it to hubby n my PILs...

Jaden used to appear in this mag too, n he appeared when he was only 1 month old. Haha. I dun bring them for any kind of competition or watsoever. I only send in photos to see if their pic will b selected to appear in the magazine tats all. It was still a good memory. I kept the page, just like wat i did to Jaden's pages.

My boys are growing up too fast.. n i felt great to see them happy n smiling all e time. My tiredness is nothing when i see them. I hope such memories can cheer them up when they r older!

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