I have many ongoing projs on hand, n count here count there, i wont have much time to b free or relax. Sometimes i do feel tat i deserve to have a break, from work n from everything. How I wish I can make a trip overseas just to play, but we couldn't bear to leave the boys like tat..
Mon need to work with my colleague on the speech n drama stuff, have not decided which company to choose, n need to work with them regarding logistics n planning of time slots for the classes, rehearsals etc. This speech n drama if no delay, shld start the week after next. It's ongoing all the way til Oct for P2 for the drama fest, n P1 in Nov.
My fund raising event Rice Dumpling Festival will b held in May 15th, date further to b confirmed. Gotta start calling the supplier to find out the price etc. I've done up the duty list for my members n later will send to them. This mth end most prob gotta start doing up the order list n collecting orders.
Lesson study, which started ard 2.5weeks ago, is an ongoing thing too, tat will only end when the whole sch term ends in Nov, I'm the P1 co-leader. I volunteered to collate all the infor n documents. Aniway, bcoz i dun like things to b scattered abit h
ere n there, so might as well collate, to make things easier for me too. I like things n info to b organised.
CME cluster sharing. I'm 1 of the presenter to represent the school to go for sharing. I've done my part of presentation for the video-taking 2weeks ago. The presentation will b in late June, a Sat. There goes my Sat again. Need to start discussing with my other 2 colleagues as in how to choose n do our presentation for that. This is a headache, as I think we r heading nowhere. I cannot convince myself abt the rationale of this proj, so i dunno how to convince other listeners tat day who come from other schools. We r just being arrowed to do the proj n kanna the biggest role tat is to b the presenter.
Mid-autumn Festival. I'm 1 of the committee member for this big function in our school. Duties unknown yet, June will have a meeting, or mayb a few meetings. As in wat i need to do, gotta wait n see.
All these dun include our usual teaching n markings. Well, no much time to mark actually. Rush like mad. Every mth i will b busy with some things that i have on hand. Everyday when I felt so tired n haggard, the moment i see my boys, i can b more energetic. I have to be, coz i need to accompany them n play with them. Need to coax them sleep 1st b4 i do. How I wish I can more multi-task. Well, I'm not superwoman or wonderwoman. I just hope the things tat I do is of a purpose n meaningful. Dun do for the sake of doing. But many ppl are doing that. Tats the sad life n goals.
I have to start to think of the coming future. Is this wat I really want? If i really wish to strive, i may need to neglect my family. To me, i find it hard to balance. I wonder how others manage to do it. Mayb i am not efficient enuf. If to balance or a preference, my mind would b at home. I work hard this yr coz i wana prove to myself i can do it still now, it's a matter whether i want or not. I just hope i dun get drowned by all these stuff, dun kill my resolution ok?
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