Held a simple buffet with e invitation of families, relatives & friends over. We tried a new caterer this time. mayb we shld have 2 main courses n not just 1 bee hoon.
my family side's timing, i set at 3pm. the rest
btwn 1-3pm... but somehow dunno y, bee hoon was all swept out, sushi too. eclairs only left so few... luckily managed to get Roderick to help da bao more outside..
I'm glad tat Javier received blessings frm all e ppl.. luckily he didnt fuss much tat day. in fact napped most of e time. mayb bcoz he was too tired in the morn...
I do away with hair shaving this time at full month. Compared to Jaden, Javier's hair is much lesser n thinner, so i decided to shave when he is 3-4 months old. Morn, let him wear new rompers, wore the anklet bought by my mum.. It's far too big for Javier, or i shld say too long, so i only let him wear on for ard 5min n i kept e anklet.
After his bath in the morn, confinement lady said need to cut his nails.. so i just trimmed abit of all his nails. n cut off a little part of his hair out, n put in a red packet n kept it, as a momento.
Jaden somehow knew there'll b a party tat day. he got up s early s 6am+... n ard 2pm, he was too tired, wanted to get a nap, so was fussing. my in laws acc him in our maste
r bedrm til he dozed off. His nap took ard 3hr...
Confinement lady left yest morn ard 11am. Hubby n I drove her to JE mrt, together with Javier. somehow Javier seemed to koe tat she was leaving. was v grouchy n fussy since yest morn.. Peiyun aunty was nice to Javier, n took gd care of him during these 28 days. I do not have a maid, so she had to do all e things. After e party, she was so kind to quickly help sweep n mop e floor for us... Thank u so much aunty.. without your help, i'll b a panda long ago. Hope to treat u to tea/lunch 1 day.
I hope, Javier can b a gd boy after he turned 1 month old. Hehas a green nerve near forehead, aunty said will b abit hard to take care, n he is easily startled. i hope all these will improve asap. Nevertheless, i hope God can bless all e ppl ard me, myself, my hubby, n my 2 sons with great health...
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