Yest, went to attend a wedding dinner at Hotel Miramar, my pri sch mate Aini's wedding... The weather was not tat good yest. Lucky didnt bring either of the boys there. I was a little disappointed actually. There were many pillars in the ballroom, n our table was completely disturbed. Cannot see the stage at all, n we were sitted at the corner, so cannot see the march-in well too.
The food was ok, i like the shark's fin, found it rather special. Different from the other shark's fin we had in the weddings. Is in clear soup based n had cabbage in there too. It was nice i could say. Hubby liked the scallops... haha...
Had a great chat with my other 3 pri sch mates... I'm so grateful tat til now, we can still chat, just like old time friends. Though only til CNY gathering or wedding functions then will see one another, but it's still fun..
Today, was my colleague Yanfang's son full mth showers at Bukit Batok. Wanqiu was kind enuf to come n fetch me n Jav... Javier was obviously tired.. Lucky he didn't throw temper ov
er there. Had a short chat with other colleagues, n of course some ex-colleagues too. Felt so envious of them who left the sch, they looked so refreshed n energetic...
Yanfang gave us a box of cakes from sweetest moments.. thanks alot. Caius is a v cute bb boy! a pity bcoz i need to carry Jav, so i did not get a chance to carry bb Caius. When Wanqiu was carrying Jav for me, it was time for me to munch my food. haha.. Luckily, he was ok for her to carry. phew.. After staying near to 1hr,or 1hr+ n we need to leave 1st. Wanqiu drove us back, n Jav fell asleep again in the car, n when we got home, i put him in the yaolan n til now, he still sleeping. Must b too tired! hahaha...
Tmr is a new term start again.. I must re-start my engine!!
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