But something is not really balance. Workload is getting more n more. Time lesser, $$ no increase. Shit work accumulating. I koe every sector is facing the same prob too. But think again, esp for our profession.... Our main job is not raise funds, o
rganise events, 'perform' for other ppl etc. What is our main job? TEACH! But now i somehow think, teaching mayb only 20-30%, e rest of the time is do other stuff tat has nothing much to do with teaching. Bcoz of this, all our markings r stacking day by day, coz no time to mark. No time for toilet too, sometimes even for my meals.
I refused to bring work home, but these few days really too busy tat i have to. Coz i prefer to spend my time after work for my boys. Jav sleeps early, sometimes b4 9pm he will start sleeping liao. By the time i reach in laws' house, is already at least 7pm. Jaden though sleeps later ard 10.30-11pm, but still, haiz.. i dunno how to say.. Sometimes how i wish i can spend more time at home.. Tats e diff btwn SAHM n FTWM.
Being a SAHM isnt easy at all, coz all tat regards the child is your business. But at least e diff is, u get to spend more time, quality time with your kids. FTWM has lesser time with kids. None of this is easy for a mummy, regardless if u r SAHM or FTWM. It's just tat our work targets are diff. It's equally tiring. I koe.
It means tat staying in spore is really too stressed up. No wonder many ppl are 'running away'. $$ is always not enough. But at least i can b v sure that this place is safe, n is free from natural disaster. This is what we r blessed with. Nothing is fair or balance. We r not saints. But i just hope the pace can dun go THAT FAST or not. I almost everyday having headache. Mayb is me not being efficient enough.... I just hope e things we do are meaningful n with a purpose. If the path is clear, i sure will do... But if is just for e sake of doing, then y do? But well, mayb many things tat ppl do is for the sake of doing lah, but i was like, why the society become like tat?
Mayb i am too stressed, started to grumble n whine. Mayb after my projs on hand are settled, i may feel better. Lucky after all, i have my boys as my strength n pillars!
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