After so many months, I've finally reached my last trimester. Yes, i'm in the last trimester a few wks ago in fact! Heard that after 27/28th weeks, is considered last trimester.. N I'm approaching my 8th month (32th week) v soon...
I can say, this preg compared to Jaden's time was totally diff.. Actually til now on off, I would still feel nausea n will feel like vomitting at times. But at least wasn't like the 1st trimester, when I vomitted til I dehydrate. My tummy this time round was SO MUCH bigger.
This is e 3rd week of school re-opening after the June holidays. These 3 weeks, I've been bugged by 2 most common questions, that til now
, I still need to explain n repeat the same answers. 1st question: Are u delivering anytime now? 2nd: Are u carrying twins? I have to repeat the same answers every 1-2 days when diff colleagues came forward n ask me. Answer 1: No, my due date is Sept, so still a long way to go. Answer 2: No, I'm not the 1 who is carrying twins, I'm only carrying 1.. It's been rather hard on me, partly bcoz I'm not meaty type of girl, neither am I those kind of big sized type. The big heavy tummy made me now v tired. Walked a few steps n my legs felt v tired, need to rest awhile b4 I could carry on walking (sometimes). Sometimes would even feel breathless, partly bcoz I was asthmatic. My back even worse. I have the habit of stretching n cracking the bones b4 I sleep. Now I couldn't, so my bones were like stuck. Turn left when sleeping cannot, sometimes to the right oso cannot. Let alone sleep flat facing the ceiling! I've not been sleeping well for the past few months actually.
People ard me said they can see that I'm 'suffering' bcoz of the heavy tummy... N some of them even pitied me in some ways. I still need to teach by standing or even walking more.... It's really heavy. Somehow now I will feel my sole rather painful when I walk.
I koe my tummy will still continue to grow bigger for these coming few weeks... N i do wonder if by then I can still b so agile like b4, coz now i am not. But really, i feel very tired... As long as bb J is healthy, I can still bear with it. I'm not far from delivery, so I just need to hang on!