Still find it a miracle that we managed to reach the hosp early n in time for the delivery. On that day morn
ard 7am, I had sharp pain in the tummy that I couldnt sleep. The pain came n went, quite consistent, interval of abt 10min. I was still thinking if isit in labour liao. But I chose to observe further again.
Brought Jaden to school at 9am.. The pain still came n went... I told hubby whether we should make the trip down to the hosp delivery suite to ensure everything was ok... bcoz that day my gynae wasn't in the clinic, n they said if I dun feel good, it's better to go to the hosp straight. I was still pondering if to go, coz dun wish to have false alarm... n the next day was supposed to see my gynae in the clinic to do CTG again. So, decided to go for breakfast 1st.
Ard 10+, the pain still existed. MIL said better go hosp... hubby thought so too.. So, after bfast, we
went to peep at Jaden in school, then went home to get the hosp bag. MIL will be in charge of fetching Jaden from school. We reached home at near to 11am.. Still thinking if to go to hosp at that time, in the end still decided to go to hosp..
So, we took a cab to NUH, reached the delivery suite at 11.40am... Told the nurse I'm having an interval of 10min pain in the tummy.. So, they put me into the delivery suite n put me on CTG. Scan showed that I'm only having 1 contraction so far... Awhile later, a doctor came in n checked my cervix, n said I've dilated 4cm already. She called my gynae, Dr Chua instructed to break my waterbag. So, at 12.30pm, they burst my waterbag.
Asked if I want epi, i said yes. Nurse said, tell her when I want it, then she'll ask the aesthetic to come. I decided to wait awhile longer, as I can still stand e contraction. But suddenly, the pain just got more n unbearable. I was fully dilated... I told the nurse I wanted the epi now. The whole delivery suite was flustered coz my contractions suddenly just got so regular n fast for them to react. Aesthetics came n tried injecting epi into me, but i was already in great pain n had the urge to push. After some time, they injected the epi n i was shouting in pain..
I was pushing for Javier. Everything was too fast that nurses all ran in n out. Standby gynae came while they called Dr Chua. They were afraid Dr Chua couldn't make it for me. I could sense Jav is near the birth canal, so I actually asked hubby to c n he said yes, can see Jav's head liao.
I was pushing hard b4 Dr Chua came. Luckily she managed to run over, as she was at the main building. She came over n took over, n after a few hard & long pushes instructed by her, I managed to deliver Javier. I was still feeling energetic after that. Felt so relieved after that, Javier came out successfully. I could even feel n move my legs n bosy. the epi obviously dun work.
After tat, I was transferred to my bed. Were discharged from NUH on Sat noon. Everything went on well for both Javier n I. I thank every1 for everything all this while. Luckily we decided to go to the hosp, or else I dunno wat will happen... Thanks all the ppl who came over to visit us. Will update more when I can...
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