Ppl who koe my health status by now shld koe, i am down with diarrhea, n still now i am.. just now noon in sch already visited the toilet liao loh..
MIL cooked dinner today, finally has more food tat i can eat. has chicken drumstick, fish, n soup.. after i had my dinner, i have to entertain my precious prince liao.. was with him in the room.. n then hubby went on to have his dinner..
But who koes, after their dinner, all 3 of them, hubby, mil n fil all sat outside the living room watching tv. totally forgotten ab
t Jaden's existence. I watched tv n played with Jaden at the same time. playing for a while, Jaden ran out to run a few rounds b4 coming back to me in the room. he ran his, while the other 3 continued to sit at their respective seats, watching tv. i wonder if there was superglue on their butts...
After entertaining him for 2.5hours, i can feel that he was hungry. Asked him if he wants milk n his sound told me he wanted, so i went to make. He went to make noise at MIL, n koe wat? MIL say ask mummy make for u.. ok loh, i make loh since i am making. Then i purposely ask Jaden to drink in the room coz no 1 in the living room is acknowledging his presence. They continued their TV..
Finally I can go to the living room n see my phone... the 1st thing MIL asked me was, Kaifang wat numbers r out for toto today? i totally ignore n continued using my phone. She asked me twice n i did not acknowledge. Hubby had no choice but to go n take his hp n showed his mum. i couldn't b bothered to answer since just now u oso like tat rite? U all think i am superwoman isit? think i no need to work oh? i oso need a short break! n yes, i had my short break, n that was my dinner time isit???
Pls oso help out a bit here n there lah. at least when Jaden comes to u, can just entertain him for that little while, n dun totally ignore him, let him run ard n do everything on his own???
Hubby told me he had headache,i din respond much too. just said "oh"... he still looked at me pathetically. wat u expect me to do? when i was tired, did any of u help a bit? i came back the thing to do to me is to throw my son to me n as if it's none of your business... so u headache, wana koe toto numbers got to do with my business? of course not also loh.. After which, he asked me, can go home early? i answered plainly, anything loh, u say go i go loh... He went to tell his parents tat we will go off early,at 10pm. Even need fil to 'push' mil, ask her to carry Jaden, then she willing to move her butt off the sofa.
I koe u r tired to help out taking care. I come home i can entertain... but can let me rest a while? straight after dinner i gotta take care on my own le leh.. hubby good life loh, everyday after work, come back read newspaper til he happy le, then still got little time then play with Jaden. Do i have the luxury to sit down n breathe properly 1st? then dun blame me for being so attitude all the time. I need to vent my anger too de loh. U think i work no need to see ppl's banana face oh? think i so free to get salary every month for nothing oh...
Hubby initially promised me tat this noon he will come back n wash the laundry for me but he didn't,if not wrong he shld b sleeping most of the time at in laws' house. Just now when we came back, he said he will do the laundry tmr, then he proceeded to the room n slept straightaway. I couldn't b bothered loh, i won't touch the laundry. will wait for him to wash n keep the current ones which r hung up for drying. will leave all to him. dun care. i dun even have the time to tell him abt my work today, din even have time to ask him wat he did today loh. I didn't say I dun wana spend time with Jaden. I just hope that I can have a few minutes break b4 i go to him. Let me recharge a bit then acc him til 10+ can?
Trust me, u do this to me.. during holidays u r going to get it from me. When u knocked off from work, i am going to throw Jaden to u, w/o letting u rest after u step in the house, n i will just sit on the sofa n enjoy watching tv. See u happy or not. for PILs side, i will oso do this. When it's time to fetch Jaden back to them, when reach the house, i will all dun care, just sit there n watch tv.
1 comment:
Hi, just happened to chance upon this blog and I have to say that Jaden is really adorable!
Just wanted to leave a small comment regarding your choice of word, "throw". Jaden is such an andorable child, but how could you describe the responsibility of playing with him as throw? Playing with a child should be fun and happy! Don't take it as a burden.
Baby helps you forget all your worries!
Be a happy Mom! Hope this little kid grows up well! ^^
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