For the past 2 weeks, i could sense tat my car may go 'mad' soon, as sometimes i started the engine, i would trip n need a few tries b4 i could get my engine moving. I could foresee tat the battery needs replacement, or something is wrong with e starter. But i was wondering, i just went to check my car batt lifespan ard 2 months ago, n the mechanic told me still have 80% left, how come so fast die liao? my bro was thinking mayb is the starter's prob.
Bcoz i was busy this week, so i was still praying hard tat it could tahan me til next week then i drive down to either Kia or the petrol station near JP to check on my car batt. n who koes, today it cannot move at all!!
In e morn, tried to make the car move but couldn't. No choice gotta go take bus, Jaden was angry y we got off the car, so he cried bitterly. Luckily mr bro was abt to go work, so he drove over n gave us a lift. As i had something to attend to in the morn with Kelly, so I gotta send hubby n Jaden over to my in laws' house 1st.
After settling the matter, I called my 4th uncle, see if he could help me with my car. He helped me call the mechanic. Just b4 the mechanic reached, my uncle
received a call n he need to make a move 1st to do delivery, so i was left alone in the carpark, waiting for the mechanic.
Finally the mechanic came, he helped me check n was confirmed tat the batt died. So he helped me jump start my car, n i had to drive my car to follow his, to his workshop to get the batt replaced. N finally, the batt was replaced n I proceeded to go meet my sis for lunch.
Haiz, i tot can stand til next week, but who koes it died today. But luckily, it did not die while on the road. so should count myself lucky lah. Next mth, i will need to send my car to Kia for servicing. Need them to check on my air con filter n engine oil etc. I'm praying everyday that dying of batt n tyre being pierced would not happen to me, esp on the road. Haiz, money spent just like tat. Car is indeed a liability.
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