Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Checkup at NUH

Last week when I went for my gynae checkup at the clinic, my gynae said my aminotic fluid seems abit too much, might b due to diabetes, so she suggested me to go NUH Women's Clinic to do the blood test, as in the clinic can either do on Wed or Sat, go NUH do easier since she will b there too.

Yest started my fasting. This morn I reach NUH 10min earlier. Hubby took urgent leave to go with me. 1st blood test taken from my right hand. After tat gotta drink up that super gasy n sweet glucose drink, n was told not to vomit. Well, it wasn't my 1st time doing that. During Jaden's time oso did that. Endured hard not to vomit.

Stayed at NUH for nothing for 2hours, b4 going for the 2nd blood test on the left. After which, went to the Fetal Care Centre to go for the growth scan. Shall not go into the details of e purpose of this scan. All I can say is, luckily everything is ok. Mind at ease... phew. Shld b in my 27th week, but the scan report wrote was 26wk, so my EDD has been pushed back by 6 days. So, 1 thing less to worry since the report is ok.

The scan took us 30min+, n was really detailed. The sonographer tried to use 3D scan bb J's face, n somehow i think i saw the face, looked like the face of Jaden when he was just born! But was a mini version.

Next thing settled my mind today was settled by the help of my best pal... All thanks to her, tat it was settled too.

Next apptment will b 3weeks later. Will b just routine check if not wrong. BTW, I dunno wat I shld really do if i'm not diabetic, n yet aminotic fluid is still on the alot side.. well, see wat my gynae will say. Definitely will ask me not to over-eat... hahaha!

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